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Register Now To Be A Part Of This Interactive Experience!

October 10 to November 21
Each Thursday At 8 PM EST / 7 PM CST

What Is 'Adventists, Arguments, and Disputable Matters?'

If you are an Adventist or know anything about Adventists, you know we love to engage in arguments and disputes about almost anything...

  • Wearing makeup and jewelry
  • Ordaining women in ministry
  • The role of Ellen White
  • ​Fraternities and sororities
  • ​Celebrating "Pagan" holidays like Easter and Christmas

And if you've participated in those debates, you know that in most (all?) cases, nothing ever gets resolved, because both sides are usually arguing their own opinions as though they were salvific fact.

The question is, if we are all reading the same Bible and are following the same Holy Spirit, how can we have these strongly differing views, and how to we make sense of it all so that these disputable matters actually lead to productive, edifying conversations, where all participants are stronger in their personal journey to salvation as a result?

My name is Dr. Jesse Wilson, and in my decades of pastoring, evangelism, and leadership within the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, I've seen, heard, and participated in countless debates that almost always amounted to nothing constructive or uplifting at the end of the exchange. 

And there are countless other conversations that we should be having but aren't in the open, especially with younger and newer members who often feel attacked and isolated for their disagreements with "traditional" Adventism.

So I began writing an ebook entitled 'Adventists, Arguments, and Disputable Matters' and dive into many of these taboo and/or unresolved issues, including each one of the issues I listed above. 

Then I realized the importance of considering and including some of the views of people like YOU who have or continue to engage in these discussions, whether they occur in person, online, or simply within the unspoken thoughts of your mind. 

This inspired me to create a dedicated online space for us to talk about these issues on a weekly basis for seven weeks. I've brought in some of the most outspoken, heavy-hitting leaders of our church who have exceptional expertise and Biblical insight on a variety of matters, and each week, we'll facilitate conversations where we collectively break down each of these topics and distinguish between what is essential to salvation, what is personal conviction, and what are merely opinions.

And I'm inviting YOU to be a part of this experience!

I'm Interested! What Are The Details?

Starting October 10, we'll meet each Thursday at 8 PM EST / 7 PM CST in a private online group where you'll be able to watch myself and our weekly guest discuss these issues, engage us in the comments, and get your questions answered during the webinar. After the main webinar, we'll have breakout Zoom sessions (exclusively for those who secure VIP access) where you'll be able to interact live and participate in lively discussions about the weekly topic in a facilitated, purpose-driven environment.

There are two access levels, General Admission and VIP Experience. Here are the benefits of each:

General Admission ($27)

  • Get exclusive access to watch the weekly webinars
  • ​Join the discussion in the comments and submit questions for the panel to discuss live
  • ​Access to private Facebook group to engage in ongoing conversations
  • ​Watch replays of weekly webinar for 7 days after each session

VIP Experience ($67)

  • Get exclusive access to watch the weekly webinars
  • ​Join the discussion in the comments and submit questions for the panel to discuss live
  • Access to private Facebook group to engage in ongoing conversations 
  • ​Watch replays of weekly webinar - UNLIMITED ACCESS
  • ​Participate in weekly breakout sessions to discuss topics and vocalize points that might be included in the eventual ebook
  • ​Watch replays of all breakout sessions, not just the ones you were in - UNLIMITED ACCESS
  • ​Digital copy of ebook

Grab Your Seat Now,
And Let The Arguments Conversations Begin In The Group!

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Who should attend this summit?

Anyone who loves the Bible, fellowshipping with other believers, and enjoying a rich, Spirit-filled worship experience.

Q: Will I be able to bring items to sell as a vendor?

Yes! We will have a vendor's row for a total of 10 vendors. To register for one of these limited spots, click HERE.

Q: What is your refund policy?

Due to the planning and preparation logistics of this event, we cannot process any refund requests. Instead, we kindly request that those who cannot attend the summit find a replacement attendee who can take their place, or consider it a donation to the Hit The Mark ministry. We understand that this may be an inconvenience for some attendees, but we hope that you will understand that we are doing our best to ensure an enjoyable and fulfilling experience for all who come. We appreciate your support and look forward to seeing you there. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to us at

Q: If I live in Atlanta, can I simply attend the Summit without getting a hotel?

You are free to attend all of the events as a paying registrant regardless of whether or not you stay at the hotel. However, every year we have numerous locals from Atlanta who come and stay in a room to take full advantage of the fellowship experience instead of having to commute back and forth each day. The choice is up to you.


© Dr. Jesse Wilson. 2024. All Rights Reserved.